donderdag 17 juli 2014

The world....

The world is going MAD! 
And all I can think about is that new nailpolish...

The world is going MAD! 
And all I can think about is wich lipstick to wear...

The world is going MAD! 
And all I can think about is wich party to crash...

Am I along with so many others getting insensitive to these horrifying event?

Or am I giving up because my reaching hands can't reach them directly? Am I so self-centered?
Where is my faith in humanity?

What's the least I can do? The first thing that came to my mind was that I could pray for better days. Not only for myself but for humanity.

So while I'm writing this, I thank The Almighty One, whom some call him God, Allah, Elohim, Anana Keduaman Keduampon or like me Yah for this day. I pray for the 211 schoolchilderen who are still missing in Nigeria. For the Palestinians who are living in war for more than 60 years, can you imagine? I say my prayers for the people in Syria. For the victims and families of todays plane crash. I pray for all my undocumented brothers and sisters in Amsterdam for whom every day is one of uncertainty. I ask for strenght, wisdom and courage so they can walk on the path in hope for better days....


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